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C++20 concepts

As of C++20, concepts are available. We quote en.cppreference.com to introduce concepts.

Class templates, function templates, and non-template functions (typically members of class templates) may be associated with a constraint, which specifies the requirements on template arguments, which can be used to select the most appropriate function overloads and template specializations.

Named sets of such requirements are called concepts. Each concept is a predicate, evaluated at compile time, and becomes a part of the interface of a template where it is used as a constraint

Concepts provided by NSIMD

All concepts provided by NSIMD comes in two forms:

The following tables list all concepts and is exhaustive. Native concepts are accessible through the nsimd namespace. They take only one argument. Their macro counterparts take no argument as they are meant to be used as constraint placeholder types. When compiling for older C++ versions NSIMD concepts macros are simply read as typename by the compiler.

Table for base C and C++ APIs:

Native concept Macro Description
simd_ext_c NSIMD_CONCEPT_SIMD_EXT Valid SIMD extension
simd_value_type_c NSIMD_CONCEPT_VALUE_TYPE Valid NSIMD underlying value type
simd_value_type_or_bool_c NSIMD_CONCEPT_VALUE_TYPE_OR_BOOL Valid NSIMD underlying value type or bool
alignment_c NSIMD_CONCEPT_ALIGNMENT Valid NSIMD alignment aligned or unaligned

Table for advanced C++ API:

Native concept Macro Description
is_pack_c NSIMD_CONCEPT_PACK Valid NSIMD pack
is_packl_c NSIMD_CONCEPT_PACKL Valid NSIMD packl
is_packx1_c NSIMD_CONCEPT_PACKX1 Valid NSIMD packx1
is_packx2_c NSIMD_CONCEPT_PACKX2 Valid NSIMD packx2
is_packx3_c NSIMD_CONCEPT_PACKX3 Valid NSIMD packx3
is_packx4_c NSIMD_CONCEPT_PACKX4 Valid NSIMD packx4
any_pack_c NSIMD_CONCEPT_ANY_PACK Any of the above pack

Expressing C++20 constraints

Expressing constraints can of course be done with the requires keyword. But for compatibility with older C++ versions NSIMD provides NSIMD_REQUIRES which take as onyl argument the constraints.

template <typename T, typename S>
NSIMD_REQUIRES(sizeof(T) == sizeof(S))
void foo(T, S);

It is advised to use doubled parenthesis as coma in the constraints expression can be interpreted as argument separators for the macro itself.

template <typename T, typename S>
NSIMD_REQUIRES((std::is_same<T, S>))
void foo(T, S);

Note that when expressing constraints using nsimd::sizeof_v's prefer the NSIMD definition of sizeof for the following reason: when dealing with float16's one cannot know the underlying representation of such a type as it is non-portable and non-standard, but NSIMD provides helper functions to transparently deal with float16's as if they were 16-bits wide. Therefore expressing sizeof equality should be done with nsimd::sizeof_v.

template <typename T, typename S>
NSIMD_REQUIRES((nsimd::sizeof_v<T> == nsimd::sizeof_v<S>))
void foo(T, S);