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NSIMD tutorial

In this tutorial we will write and compile a simple SIMD kernel to become familiar with the basics of NSIMD. We will also see different aspects of SIMD programming:

SIMD basics

SIMD programming means using the CPU SIMD registers to performs operations on several data at once. A SIMD vector should be viewed as a set of bits which are interpreted by the operators that operate on them. Taking a 128-bits wide SIMD register, it can be interpreted as:

as shown in the picture below.

Register layout

Computation kernel

We will explain the rewriting of the following kernel which uppercases ASCII letters only.

template <typename T>
void uppercase_scalar(T *dst, const T *src, int n) {
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    if (src[i] >= 'a' && src[i] <= 'z') {
      dst[i] = src[i] + ('A' - 'a');
    } else {
      dst[i] = src[i];

Here is the corresponding SIMD version. Explanations to follow.

template <typename T>
void uppercase_simd(T *dst, const T *src, int n) {
  using namespace nsimd;
  typedef pack<T> p_t;
  typedef packl<T> pl_t;
  int l = len<p_t>();

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i + l <= n; i += l) {
    p_t text = loadu<p_t>(src + i);
    pl_t mask = text >= 'a' && text <= 'z';
    p_t then_pack = text + ('A' - 'a');
    p_t TEXT = if_else(mask, then_pack, text);
    storeu(dst + i, TEXT);

  pl_t mask = mask_for_loop_tail<pl_t>(i, n);
  p_t text = maskz_loadu(mask, src + i);
  p_t TEXT = if_else(text >= 'a' && text <= 'z', text + ('A' - 'a'), text);
  mask_storeu(mask, dst + i, TEXT);

Getting started with NSIMD

All APIs of NSIMD core is available with this include:

#include <nsimd/nsimd-all.hpp>

For ease of programming with use the NSIMD namespace inside the uppercase_simd function.

using namespace nsimd;

SIMD vectors

A nsimd::pack<T> can be considered analogous to a SIMD register (on your or any other machine). Operations performed on packs - from elementary operations such as addition to complicated functions such as nsimd::rsqrt11(x) - will be performed using SIMD registers and operations if supported by your hardware. As shown below, data must be manually loaded into and stored from these registers. Again, for ease of programming we typedef a pack of T's.

typedef pack<T> p_t;

NSIMD provides another type of pack called nsimd::packl which handles vectors of booleans.

typedef packl<T> pl_t;

This distinction between pack's and packl's is necessary ffor two reasons:

Loading data from memory

One way to construct a nsimd::pack<T> is to simply declare (default-construct) it. Such a pack may not be zero-initialized and thus may contain arbitrary values.

Another way to construct a nsimd::pack<T> is to fill it with a single value. This so-called splatting constructor takes one scalar value and replicates it in all elements of the pack.

But most common usage to construct a nsimd::pack<T> is by using the copy constructor from loading functions.

p_t text = loadu<p_t>(src + i);

Aligned vs. unaligned memory

Alignement of a given pointer ptr to memory to some value A means that ptr % A == 0. On older hardware loading data from unaligned memory can result in performance penalty. On recent hardware it is hard to exhibit a difference. NSIMD provides two versions of "load":

Note that using loada on unaligned pointer may result in segfaults. As recent hardware have good support for unaligned memory we use loadu.

p_t text = loadu<p_t>(src + i);

To ensure that data allocated by std::vector is aligned, NSIMD provide a C++ allocator.

std::vector<T, nsimd::allocator<T> > data;

When loading data from memory you must ensure that there is sufficient data in the block of memory you load from to fill a nsimd::pack<T>. For example, on an AVX capable machine, a SIMD vector of float (32 bits) contains 8 elements. Therefore, there must be at least 8 floats in the memory block you load data from otherwise loading may result in segfaults. More on this below.

Operations on pack's and packl's

Once initialized, nsimd::pack<T> instances can be used to perform arithmetic. Usual operations are provided by NSIMD such:

pl_t mask = text >= 'a' && text <= 'z';
p_t then_pack = text + ('A' - 'a');

C++ operators are also overloaded for pack's and packl's as well as between pack's and scalars or packl's and booleans.

SIMD branching

NSIMD provide the if_else operator which fill the output, lane by lane, according to the lane value of its first argument:

Therefore the branching:

if (src[i] >= 'a' && src[i] <= 'z') {
  dst[i] = src[i] + ('A' - 'a');
} else {
  dst[i] = src[i];

will be rewritten as

pl_t mask = text >= 'a' && text <= 'z';
p_t then_pack = text + ('A' - 'a');
p_t TEXT = if_else(mask, then_pack, text);

or as a one liner

p_t TEXT = if_else(text >= 'a' && text <= 'z', text + ('A' - 'a'), text);

SIMD loops

A SIMD loop is similar to its scalar counterpart except that instead of going through data one element at a time it goes 4 by 4 or 8 by 8 elements at a time. More precisely SIMD loops generally goes from steps equal to pack's length. Therefore the scalar loop

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

is rewritten as

  int l = len<p_t>();

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i + l <= n; i += l) {

Note that going step by step will only cover most of the data except maybe the tail of data in case that the number of elements is not a multiple of the Pack's length. Therefore to perform computations on the tail one has to load data from only n elements where n < len<p_t>(). One can use maskz_loadu which will load data only on lanes that are marked as true by another argument to the function.

p_t text = maskz_loadu(mask, src + i);

The mask can be computed manually but NSIMD provides a function for it.

pl_t mask = mask_for_loop_tail<pl_t>(i, n);

Then the computation on the tail is exactly the same as within the loop. Put together it gives for the tail:

pl_t mask = mask_for_loop_tail<pl_t>(i, n);
p_t text = maskz_loadu(mask, src + i);
p_t TEXT = if_else(text >= 'a' && text <= 'z', text + ('A' - 'a'), text);
mask_storeu(mask, dst + i, TEXT);

Then the entire loop reads as follows.

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i + l <= n; i += l) {
    p_t text = loadu<p_t>(src + i);
    pl_t mask = text >= 'a' && text <= 'z';
    p_t then_pack = text + ('A' - 'a');
    p_t TEXT = if_else(mask, then_pack, text);
    storeu(dst + i, TEXT);

  pl_t mask = mask_for_loop_tail<pl_t>(i, n);
  p_t text = maskz_loadu(mask, src + i);
  p_t TEXT = if_else(text >= 'a' && text <= 'z', text + ('A' - 'a'), text);
  mask_storeu(mask, dst + i, TEXT);

Compiling the Code

Here is the complete listing of the code.

#include <nsimd/nsimd-all.hpp>

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
void uppercase_scalar(T *dst, const T *src, int n) {
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    if (src[i] >= 'a' && src[i] <= 'z') {
      dst[i] = src[i] + ('A' - 'a');
    } else {
      dst[i] = src[i];

template <typename T>
void uppercase_simd(T *dst, const T *src, int n) {
  using namespace nsimd;
  typedef pack<T> p_t;
  typedef packl<T> pl_t;
  int l = len<p_t>();

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i + l <= n; i += l) {
    p_t text = loadu<p_t>(src + i);
    pl_t mask = text >= 'a' && text <= 'z';
    p_t then_pack = text + ('A' - 'a');
    p_t TEXT = if_else(mask, then_pack, text);
    storeu(dst + i, TEXT);

  pl_t mask = mask_for_loop_tail<pl_t>(i, n);
  p_t text = maskz_loadu(mask, src + i);
  p_t TEXT = if_else(text >= 'a' && text <= 'z', text + ('A' - 'a'), text);
  mask_storeu(mask, dst + i, TEXT);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  std::string input;

  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
    input += std::string(argv[i]);
    if (i < argc - 1) {
      input += std::string(" ");

  std::cout << "Orignal text         : " << input << std::endl;

  std::vector<i8> dst_scalar(input.size() + 1);
  uppercase_scalar(&dst_scalar[0], (i8 *)input.c_str(), (int)input.size());
  std::cout << "Scalar uppercase text: " << &dst_scalar[0] << std::endl;

  std::vector<i8> dst_simd(input.size() + 1);
  uppercase_simd(&dst_simd[0], (i8 *)input.c_str(), (int)input.size());
  std::cout << "NSIMD uppercase text : " << &dst_simd[0] << std::endl;

  return 0;

The compilation of a program using nsimd is like any other library.

c++ -O3 -DAVX2 -mavx2 -L/path/to/lib -lnsimd_avx2 -I/path/to/include tutorial.cpp

When compiling with NSIMD, you have to decide at compile time the targeted SIMD extensions, AVX2 in the example above. It is therefore necessary to give -mavx2 to the compiler for it to emit AVX2 instructions. To tell NSIMD that AVX2 has to be used the -DAVX2 has to be passed to the compiler. For an exhaustive list of defines controlling compilation see defines.md. There is a .so file for each SIMD extension, it is therefore necessary to link against the proper .so file.

Runtime selection of SIMD extensions

It is sometimes necessary to have several versions of a given algorithm for different SIMD extensions. This is rather to do with NSIMD. Basically the idea is to write the algorithm in a generic manner using pack's as shown above. It is then sufficient to compile the same soure file for different SIMD extensions and then link the resulting object files altogether. Suppose that a file named uppercase.cpp contains the following code:

template <typename T>
void uppercase_simd(T *dst, const T *src, int n) {
  using namespace nsimd;
  typedef pack<T> p_t;
  typedef packl<T> pl_t;
  int l = len<p_t>();

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i + l <= n; i += l) {
    p_t text = loadu<p_t>(src + i);
    pl_t mask = text >= 'a' && text <= 'z';
    p_t then_pack = text + ('A' - 'a');
    p_t TEXT = if_else(mask, then_pack, text);
    storeu(dst + i, TEXT);

  pl_t mask = mask_for_loop_tail<pl_t>(i, n);
  p_t text = maskz_loadu(mask, src + i);
  p_t TEXT = if_else(text >= 'a' && text <= 'z', text + ('A' - 'a'), text);
  mask_storeu(mask, dst + i, TEXT);

This would give the following in a Makefile.

all: uppercase

uppercase_sse2.o: uppercase.cpp
	c++ -O3 -DSSE2 -msse2 -c $? -o $@

uppercase_sse42.o: uppercase.cpp
	c++ -O3 -DSSE42 -msse4.2 -c $? -o $@

uppercase_avx.o: uppercase.cpp
	c++ -O3 -DAVX -mavx -c $? -o $@

uppercase_avx2.o: uppercase.cpp
	c++ -O3 -DAVX2 -mavx2 -c $? -o $@

uppercase: uppercase_sse2.o \
           uppercase_sse42.o \
           uppercase_avx.o \
	c++ $? -lnsimd_avx2 -o $@

Note that libnsimd_avx2 contains all the functions for SSE 2, SSE 4.2, AVX and AVX2. This is a consequence of the retrocompatiblity of Intel SIMD extensions. The situation is the same on ARM where libnsimd_sve.so will contain functions for AARCH64.

There is a small caveat. The symbol name corresponding to the uppercase_simd function will be same for all the object files which will result in error when linking together all objects. To avoid this situation one can use function overloading as follows:

template <typename T>
void uppercase_simd(NSIMD_SIMD, T *dst, const T *src, int n) {
  // ...

The macro NSIMD_SIMD will be expanded to a type containing the information on the SIMD extension currently requested by the user. This techniques is called tag dispatching and does not require any modification of the algorithm inside the function. Finally in main one has to do dispatching by using either cpuid of by another mean.

int main() {
  // what follows is pseudo-code
  switch(cpuid()) {
  case cpuid_sse2:
    uppercase(nsimd::sse2, dst, src, n);
  case cpuid_sse42:
    uppercase(nsimd::sse42, dst, src, n);
  case cpuid_avx:
    uppercase(nsimd::avx, dst, src, n);
  case cpuid_avx2:
    uppercase(nsimd::avx2, dst, src, n);
  return 0;