Memory function
Float16 related functions
Defines provided by NSIMD
NSIMD pack and related functions
NSIMD C++20 concepts
Vector length (len)
Value broadcast (set1)
Logical value broadcast (set1l)
Horizontal sum (addv)
Blend (if_else1)
Check all elements (all)
Check for one true elements (any)
Count true elements (nbtrue)
Fill vector with increasing values (iota)
Build mask for ending loops (mask_for_loop_tail)
Loadu (loadu)
MaskoLoadu1 (masko_loadu1)
MaskzLoadu1 (maskz_loadu1)
Load array of structure (load2u)
Load array of structure (load3u)
Load array of structure (load4u)
Loada (loada)
MaskoLoada (masko_loada1)
MaskzLoada (maskz_loada1)
Load array of structure (load2a)
Load array of structure (load3a)
Load array of structure (load4a)
Load vector of logicals (loadlu)
Load vector of logicals (loadla)
Storeu (storeu)
MaskStoreu1 (mask_storeu1)
Store2u (store2u)
Store into array of structures (store3u)
Store into array of structures (store4u)
Storea (storea)
MaskStorea1 (mask_storea1)
Store into array of structures (store2a)
Store into array of structures (store3a)
Store into array of structures (store4a)
Gather elements from memory into a SIMD vector (gather)
Gather elements from memory into a SIMD vector (gather_linear)
Scatter elements from SIMD vector to memory (scatter)
Scatter elements from SIMD vector to memory (scatter_linear)
Store vector of logicals (storelu)
Store vector of logicals (storela)
Bitwise or (orb)
Bitwise and (andb)
Bitwise andnot (andnotb)
Bitwise not (notb)
Bitwise xor (xorb)
Right shift in zeros (shr)
Left shift (shl)
Arithmetic right shift (shra)
Logical or (orl)
Logical and (andl)
Logical andnot (andnotl)
Logical xor (xorl)
Logical not (notl)
Build mask from logicals (to_mask)
Build logicals from data (to_logical)
Addition (add)
Subtraction (sub)
Multiplication (mul)
Division (div)
Opposite (neg)
Minimum (min)
Maximum (max)
Absolute value (abs)
Fused multiply-add (fma)
Fused negate-multiply-add (fnma)
Fused multiply-substract (fms)
Fused negate-multiply-substract (fnms)
Reciprocal (rec)
Reciprocal with relative error at most \(2^{-11}\) (rec11)
Reciprocal with relative error at most \(2^{-8}\) (rec8)
Square root (sqrt)
Square root with relative error at most \(2^{-11}\) (rsqrt11)
Square root with relative error at most \(2^{-8}\) (rsqrt8)
Addition using saturation (adds)
Subtraction using saturation (subs)
Cube root (cbrt_u35)
Cube root (cbrt_u10)
Euclidean distance (hypot_u05)
Euclidean distance (hypot_u35)
Floating-point remainder (remainder)
Floating-point remainder (fmod)
Compare for equality (eq)
Compare for inequality (ne)
Compare for greater-than (gt)
Compare for greater-or-equal-than (ge)
Compare for lesser-than (lt)
Compare for lesser-or-equal-than (le)
Rounding up to integer value (ceil)
Rounding down to integer value (floor)
Rounding towards zero to integer value (trunc)
Rounding to nearest integer value, tie to even (round_to_even)
Reinterpret vector (reinterpret)
Reinterpret vector of logicals (reinterpretl)
Convert vector (cvt)
Convert vector to larger type (upcvt)
Convert vector to narrow type (downcvt)
Zip low halves (ziplo)
Zip high halves (ziphi)
Unziplo (unziplo)
Unziphi (unziphi)
Zip (zip)
Unzip (unzip)
Sine (sin_u35)
Cosine (cos_u35)
Tangent (tan_u35)
Arcsine (asin_u35)
Arccosine (acos_u35)
Arctangent (atan_u35)
Arctangent (atan2_u35)
Sine (sin_u10)
Cosine (cos_u10)
Tangent (tan_u10)
Arcsine (asin_u10)
Arccosine (acos_u10)
Arctangent (atan_u10)
Arctangent (atan2_u10)
Sine of pi times argument (sinpi_u05)
Cosine of pi times argument (cospi_u05)
Natural logarithm (log_u35)
Natural logarithm (log_u10)
Base-e exponential (exp_u10)
Power (pow_u10)
Base-2 exponential (exp2_u10)
Base-2 exponential (exp2_u35)
Base-10 exponential (exp10_u10)
Base-10 exponential (exp10_u35)
Exponential minus 1 (expm1_u10)
Base-10 logarithm (log10_u10)
Base-2 logarithm (log2_u10)
Base-2 logarithm (log2_u35)
Logarithm of 1 plus argument (log1p_u10)
Log gamma (lgamma_u10)
True gamma (tgamma_u10)
Complementary error (erf_u10)
Complementary error (erfc_u15)
Hyperbolic sine (sinh_u10)
Hyperbolic cosine (cosh_u10)
Hyperbolic tangent (tanh_u10)
Hyperbolic sine (sinh_u35)
Hyperbolic cosine (cosh_u35)
Hyperbolic tangent (tanh_u35)
Inverse hyperbolic sine (asinh_u10)
Inverse hyperbolic cosine (acosh_u10)
Inverse hyperbolic tangent (atanh_u10)