NSIMD documentation
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it good practice to use a nsimd::pack as a std::vector?

No, these are two very different objects. A nsimd::pack represent a SIMD register whereas a std::vector represents a chunk of memory. You should separate concerns and use std::vector to store data in your structs or classes, nsimd::pack should only be used in computation kernels and nowhere else especially not in structs or classes.

Why is the speed-up of my code not as expected?

There are several reasons which can reduce the speed-up:

Why did my code segfaulted or crashed?

The most common cause of segfaults in SIMD codes is accessing non-aligned memory. For best performance, all memory should be aligned. NSIMD includes an aligned memory allocation function and an aligned memory allocator to help you with this. Please refer to tutorials.md for details on how to ensure that you memory is correctly aligned.

Another common cause is to read or write data beyond the allocated memory. Do not forget that loading data into a SIMD vector will result in loading 16 bytes (or 4 floats) from memory. If this read occurs at the last 2 elements of allocated memory then a segfault will be generated.

My code compiled for AVX is not twice as fast as for SSE, why?

Not all SSE instructions have an equivalent AVX instruction. As a consequence NSIMD uses two SSE operations to emulate the equivalent AVX operation. Also, the cycles required for certain instructions are not equal on both architectures, for example, sqrt on SSE requires 13-14 cycles whereas sqrt on AVX requires 21-28 cycles. Please refer here for more information.

Very few integer operations are supported on AVX, AVX2 is required for most integer operations. If a NSIMD function is called on an integer AVX register, this register will be split into two SSE registers and the equivalent instruction called on both register. In the case, no speed-up will be observed compared with SSE code. This is true also on POWER 7, where double is not supported.

I disassembled my code, and the generated code is less than optimal, why?

How can I use a certain intrinsic?

If you require a certain intrinsic, you may search inside of NSIMD for it and then call the relevant function or look at wrapped_intrinsics.md.

In rare cases, the intrinsic may not be included in NSIMD as we map the intrinsic wherever it makes sense semantically. If a certain intrinsic does not fit inside of this model, if may be excluded. In this case, you may call it yourself, however, note this will not be portable.

To use a particular intrinsic say _mm_avg_epu8, you can write the following.

nsimd::pack<u8> a, b, result;
result = nsimd::pack<u8>(_mm_avg_epu8(a.native_register(),

How do I convert integers/floats to/from logicals?

Use nsimd::to_mask and nsimd::to_logical.

How about shuffles?

General shuffles are not provided by NSIMD. You can see issue 8 on github. For now we provide only some length agnostic shuffles such as zip and unzip, see the shuffle API at the Shuffle section.

Are there C++ STL like algorithms?

No. You are welcome to contribute to NSIMD and add them as a NSIMD module. You should use expressions templates instead. Strictly conforment STL algorithms do not provide means to control for example the unroll factor or the number of threads per block when compiling for GPUs.

Are there masked operators in NSIMD?

Yes, we provide masked loads and stores, see the api at the "Loads & stores" section. We also provide the nsimd::mask_for_loop_tail which computes the mask for ending loops. But note that using these is not recommanded as on most architectures there are no intrinsic. This will result in slow code. It is recommanded to finish loops using a scalar implementation.

Are there gathers and scatter in NSIMD?

Yes, we provide gathers and scatters, see the api at the "Loads & stores" section. Note also that as most architectures do not provide such intrinsics and so this could result in slow code.

Why does not NSIMD recognize the target architecture automatically?

Autodetecting the SIMD extension is compiler/compiler version/cpu/system dependant which means a lot of code for a (most likely buggy) feature which can be an inconvenience sometimes. Plus some compilers do not permit this feature. For example cf. https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_71_0/doc/html/predef/reference.html and https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b0084kay.aspx. Thus a "manual" system is always necessary.

Why some operators have their names ending with an "1"?

This is because of C++ and our will not to use C++-useless-complicated stuff. Taking the example with if_else, suppose that we have called it "if_else" without the "1". When working with packs, one wants to be able to use if_else in this manner:

int main() {
  using namespace nsimd;
  typedef pack<int> pi;
  typedef pack<float> pf;

  int n;
  int *a, *b;      // suppose both points to n ints
  float *fa, *fb;  // suppose both points to n floats

  for (int i = 0; i < n; i += len()) {
    packl<int> cond = (loada<pi>(&a[i]) < loada<pi>(&b[i]));
    storea(&fb[i], if_else(cond, load<pf>(&fb[i]), set1<pf>(0.0f)));

  return 0;

But this causes a compiler error, the overload of if_else is ambiguous. Sure one can use many C++-ish techniques to tackle this problem but we chose not to as the goal is to make the life of the compiler as easy as possible. So as we want to favor the C++ advanced API as it is the most human readable, users of the C and C++ base APIs will have to use if_else1.