vector length (len)
value broadcast (set1)
Loadu (loadu)
Loada (loada)
load vector of logicals (loadlu)
load vector of logicals (loadla)
Storeu (storeu)
Storea (storea)
store vector of logicals (storelu)
store vector of logicals (storela)
bitwise or (orb)
bitwise and (andb)
bitwise andnot (andnotb)
bitwise not (notb)
bitwise xor (xorb)
logical or (orl)
logical and (andl)
logical andnot (andnotl)
logical xor (xorl)
logical not (notl)
addition (add)
subtraction (sub)
multiplication (mul)
division (div)
minimum (min)
maximum (max)
absolute value (abs)
fused multiply-add (fma)
reciprocal (rec)
compare for equality (eq)
compare for inequality (ne)
compare for greater-than (gt)
compare for greater-or-equal-than (ge)
compare for lesser-than (lt)
compare for lesser-or-equal-than (le)